Bayside Heritage Study
Heritage Discussion Paper
Heritage Input into LSPS
Review of Heritage Items
Review of Heritage Conservation Areas
DCP Heritage Chapter
Stakeholder Engagement
Bayside Council
Bayside LGA
Bayside Council in southeastern Sydney was recently formed through the merger of the former Rockdale City and City of Botany Bay councils. In 2018, Bayside Council commissioned GML to undertake a comprehensive study of the heritage of the new Bayside local government area.
In response to the merger process, changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the introduction of the Eastern City District Plan, Bayside Council is required to prepare a new Local Environmental Plan (LEP), standardised Development Control Plan and Local Strategic Planning Statement.
The Bayside Heritage Study will inform the future planning of the area. GML’s work will help consolidate existing heritage items into a combined heritage schedule for the whole of Bayside. Key milestones for the project include:
- a Heritage Study Discussion Paper for public exhibition;
- heritage input into Local Strategic Planning Statement;
- a Review of Heritage Items, including consolidation of the former Rockdale and Botany Bay LEP Schedule 5 and identification and assessment of potential new items;
- a Review of Heritage Conservation Areas including identification and assessment of potential new Heritage Conservation Areas;
- a new Heritage chapter of the Bayside Development Control Plan; and
- stakeholder engagement.