City of Ryde Heritage Review
Heritage Review
Heritage Assessments
State Heritage Inventory Forms
City of Ryde Council
Ryde, NSW
Dharug Country
The City of Ryde Council engaged GML to undertake a comprehensive review of the heritage of the Ryde Local Government Area.
The review involved the identification of potential new heritage items and detailed assessment of their significance.
Using historical and field-based research, GML identified over 135 potential heritage items in the first stage of the review. This included built, landscape and archaeological heritage items. The second stage involved the assessment of the heritage significance of 72 shortlisted items under the NSW Heritage Assessment criteria and completion of detailed State Heritage Inventory sheets for each item.
GML recommended a total of 46 new places be listed as heritage items within the Ryde Local Environmental Plan 2014 (LEP), including 35 built items, two archaeological sites and nine landscape items. We also recommended the listing of six new Heritage Conservation Areas.
The City of Ryde Heritage Review was undertaken during a period of significant development within the Ryde area. GML was required to work quickly to respond to both Council and the community as part of the preparation of a planning proposal to amend the LEP.
The City of Ryde Council unanimously endorsed the recommendations of the Review in July 2019. The recommended amendments to the LEP will ensure that places of heritage significance are subject to statutory protection and provide greater certainty in the development process.