Arthur Phillip High School and Parramatta Public School
Archaeological Excavation
Heritage Advice and Inspections
Heritage Impact Statement
Schedule of Conservation Works
Grimshaw Architects
Parramatta, NSW
Dharug Country
Construction and design development for the high-rise Arthur Phillip High School at Parramatta integrated responsiveness to significant Aboriginal and nineteenth-century historical archaeology.
Collaborating with Grimshaw Architects and the NSW Department of Education, GML contributed to the design development of the new buildings and the conservation and refurbishment of the existing heritage buildings. GML prepared a heritage impact statement for the development and schedule of conservation works, following up with heritage advice throughout the construction phase. GML also advised on the approvals processes for this state significant development project.
Integrating heritage into the design created opportunities to interpret the rich history and heritage values associated with the place. Two heritage school buildings (dating to 1875 and 1923) were conserved, along with the boundary wall of a former convict barracks located on the site.
During archaeological excavation, GML unearthed Aboriginal artefacts. A hearth feature (undated) was revealed, as were sites deposited potentially as far back as 30,000 years ago. Other finds included the structural remains of a convict barracks and lumber yard, sawpit, drains, wells, cottages and an infectious diseases hospital.

Excavation of the colonial-era drainage system on the site of Arthur Phillip High School, Parramatta.