Zachary Carter
Heritage Consultant,


Zachary is a heritage specialist and archaeologist.

His expertise lies in the preparation and delivery of cultural heritage management plans, cultural heritage due diligence assessments, salvage reports and heritage assessments. Zachary is a listed Heritage Advisor under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic). In addition to his experience within European and First Nations cultural heritage, Zachary is specialised in forensic and zoo-archaeological assessments.

Zachary has over six years’ experience in archaeology, including research throughout Europe and Southeast Asia. He has consulted with federal, state and local stakeholders, as well as private and commercial clients.

Zachary has a good knowledge of heritage legislation, particularly the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006; Heritage Act 2017 and the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Zachary has extensive experience with site surveys and assessments; hand and mechanical subsurface testing and salvage programs; Indigenous and historic artefact analysis; and recording of Indigenous places and historical sites.


Download Zach’s CV


‘Through studying archaeology we are able to give new life to the stories of past peoples.’


Masters of Archaeological Science (Advanced) (Forensic Archaeology and Paleopathology), The Australian National University

Bachelor of Arts (Archaeology and History), Monash University

Professional Affiliations

Australian Archaeological Association (AAA)

Australasian Society of Historic Archaeology (ASHA)