Julian Siu
Julian Siu is a built heritage expert with extensive experience in providing pragmatic solutions for heritage projects.
Client focused with great service delivery, he provides conservation advice, heritage impact assessment and heritage management reports for many diverse heritage assets. He has developed strategic management frameworks for heritage in the context of change for major infrastructure, urban development, precinct renewals and divestment.
Julian specialises in built heritage, adaptive re-use and heritage interpretation. His knowledge of heritage planning and advanced project management skills has seen him successfully coordinate major projects for state and Commonwealth government clients in NSW and Victoria.
Julian’s advisory services have contributed to a multitude of signature development projects in Sydney and Melbourne. Julian is also adept in community consultation and engagement with Traditional Owner organisations. Julian enjoys collaborating with design professionals, site owners, developers and industry organisations to deliver projects that balance heritage conservation with urban renewal and creative design responses.
‘Conserving today to enrich tomorrow.’
‘Not simply a passion to conserve and engage with our past in order to enliven our present, but also to re-imagine heritage for the future.’
Master of Heritage Conservation, University of Sydney (currently undertaking)
Master of Architecture, University of Sydney
Bachelor of Design (Architecture/Urban Design and Planning), University of Sydney
Professional affiliations
Heritage Council of NSW, Member
Wingecarribee Local Planning Panel
Chinese Garden of Friendship Advisory Committee for Place Management NSW
Metropolitan Memorial Parks, Heritage Advisory Committee
Australia ICOMOS (Full International)
National Trust of Australia (NSW)