Artefacts from Wynyard Walk

Wynyard Walk

Heritage Advice
Historic and Aboriginal Heritage Assessment
Archaeological Excavation

Thiess for Transport for NSW


Wynyard Walk is a 180-metre-long tunnel linking the western Sydney CBD with the new waterfront precinct of Barangaroo.

GML excavated the site and mitigated the heritage impacts of its construction, ensuring a successful outcome for all.

During the development of the concept plan for the proposed Wynyard Walk pedestrian link from Wynyard Railway Station to Barangaroo, Sydney, GML provided heritage advice to the design team.

This involved identifying constraints and opportunities for the project arising from the heritage significance of Wynyard Station, other heritage items in the vicinity, historical archaeology and Aboriginal archaeology. We developed management and mitigation strategies to ensure that significant fabric was conserved and integrated into the design and adverse impacts mitigated, without causing delays to the project.

GML was then commissioned for a full suite of heritage services—a Historical Archaeology Assessment, Heritage Impact Statement, Archaeological Research Design, and Aboriginal Heritage Assessment, including community consultation with local Aboriginal people. We successfully applied for an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) for the site, which allowed ground works to begin and reduced the risk of construction delays associated with discovery of Aboriginal objects on site.

During the works, GML monitored the excavation of soils to identify and record any historical and Aboriginal archaeological evidence uncovered. GML specialists in Aboriginal archaeology test excavated the natural soil layers identified at the lower levels and uncovered some Aboriginal artefacts, along with intact historical archaeology. In accordance with the permit conditions, these artefacts/sites were recorded and salvaged, conserving the archaeological information and allowing the project to proceed.

GML worked closely with Thiess and Transport for NSW throughout the Wynyard Walk project, ensuring a successful outcome for heritage, the developer and the community.