International Day for Monuments and Sites

18 April is the ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites. This year’s theme, Heritage Changes, provides an opportunity to reflect on how cultural heritage conservation and traditional knowledge systems can contribute to climate adaptation and resilience.

As heritage champions, GML cares deeply about heritage, the environment, culture, and communities. Conserving, commemorating, and celebrating places for current and future generations matters to us. ⁠We act on climate change by working with our clients and communities to better prepare, adapt and conserve heritage places. ⁠

We are continuously learning, through our international networks, ongoing research, and work on disaster risk preparedness plans, bushfire management strategies and climate heritage planning to help ensure heritage place management is adaptive and more resilient to the increasing threats.

⁠Our team in Victoria recently worked with The Heritage Council of Victoria and Heritage Victoria on stage 2 of the Heritage and Climate Change Project. This involved developing a series of case studies that investigate the impacts of climate change on Victoria’s built, landscape, and archaeological places and the management strategies to counter these impacts.

In NSW, GML is currently working with the National Parks & Wildlife Service on a bushfire vulnerability assessment framework for historic heritage across the state. We are also advising Transport for NSW on the requirements for preparing a Heritage Disaster Risk Management Strategy and Climate Change Adaption Plan for their Sydney Working Harbour assets.

In Sydney our industry peers will learn more about The Rocks Heritage Disaster Risk Management Strategy at a special event hosted by Australia ICOMOS (NSW). Prepared by GML for Place Management NSW, the strategy provides property owners and managers of The Rocks Precinct with a framework and mitigation measures to manage disaster risks and their potential impacts on the significance of a much-loved historic precinct.