Conservation at 200 George Street

The heritage interpretation displays at 200 George Street in Sydney recently underwent much-needed conservation works.

Conservator Tess Evans of Heights Heritage Conservation worked with GML Heritage to clean and reinstall the interpretative displays at 200 George street, a landmark Sydney building by Mirvac.

These displays feature several colonial and Victorian-era artefacts that were unearthed by GML Heritage during archaeological excavations at the site in 2012-2013.

GML was appointed by Mirvac to undertake the archaeological investigations and to develop heritage interpretation as part of the site’s redevelopment.

Our archaeologists uncovered over 23,700 artefacts, including leather shoes and offcuts, buttons, pins, candle-wick scissors, coins, clay pipes and jewellery.

Around 150 artefacts from the site are displayed in the wall of the grand staircase at the entry to the building with a QR code that allows visitors to access more information online.