Braidwood and its Setting: State Heritage Register Listing Management Review
Heritage Management
Community Consultation
Heritage NSW
Braidwood, NSW
Walbanga Country
GML Heritage has been commissioned by Heritage NSW to review the heritage planning and management for the historic township of Braidwood.
Project Background
GML Heritage has been commissioned by Heritage NSW to review the heritage planning and management for the historic township of Braidwood. We are currently working on the third stage of the project (Milestone 3).
‘Braidwood and its Setting’ was listed on the State Heritage Register in 2006 as an excellent surviving example of a Georgian period town plan dating from the late 1830s. Numerous buildings also reflect key phases of the town’s development, ranging from initial construction to consolidation following the gold boom. The town has a high proportion of nineteenth century buildings, which contribute to the streetscapes and the town’s heritage value. The aim of the listing was to ensure the protection of the significant town plan and contributing historic buildings, within an appropriate pastoral setting.
Since its listing, ‘Braidwood and its Setting’ has not been reviewed to assess whether it is achieving its goals and working effectively for all stakeholders. Considering the 15-year anniversary of the listing in 2021, it is timely that a review take place to ensure the listing is achieving its original purpose.
This project will be completed in three stages.
Milestone 1 – Download the Report
The first stage (Milestone 1) involved a review of the listing, site specific exemptions, the key management guidelines and the archaeological management plan. GML also had discussions with Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council and other stakeholders to understand the management issues. GML’s recommendations were provided in a progress report to Heritage NSW.
Download the Milestone 1 Report.

Photo: GML Heritage
Milestone 2 – Download the Report
GML have completed the second stage of the project (Milestone 2) which involved facilitating a community consultation program to understand the community’s experiences and concerns about the listing.
GML travelled to Braidwood and presented the project at a Community Information Session on 19 May 2022. GML also held two Stakeholder Workshops and a Community Drop-In Session on 20 May 2022. An online survey was launched on 19 May 2022 which receive 88 responses. Following initial feedback from the community, the survey period was extended to capture more information.
We have reviewed and summarised the community’s feedback in a second progress report to Heritage NSW.
Download the Milestone 2 Report.

Photo courtesy Visit Queanbeyan-Palerang (QPRC)
Milestone 3 – Current stage
GML have completed the Milestone 3 report which provides recommendations for the future management of the SHR listing and future actions for Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council and Heritage NSW. The report went on public exhibition between 9 July and 5 August 2024.
You can review the third progress report to Heritage NSW here: Milestone 3 Final Report.
More information
If you would like more information about this project, please email heritage@gml.com.au and we will get back to you.

Photo: GML Heritage

Photo courtesy Braidwood & District Historical Society